The CEO and ACEO deals with matters regarding the implementation of tasks governed by the relevant building regulations (MOW Act 2002, NBC 1992 etc). Plan and administer special Government Building Construction Projects. Manage the Government Housing Premises and supervise all involved maintenance contracts.

1. Ensure that all Buildings Constructions Projects complies with applicable regulations and standard

2. Ensure the Management & implementation of Govt Housing matters complies with applicable standards and policies



The Building Division is involved in the Venues and Accommodation sub-committees of the Commonwealth Youth Games 2015.

The sports facilities in Faleata and Apia Park will be utilized for this purpose.

Plans and preparations to ascertain appropriate lodgings to accommodate 1250 athletes and officials attending the Commonwealth Youth Games are underway.

Construction works for the New Hockey Stadium & New Media Centre at Faleata

Preparational works for the UN-SIDS Conference in 2014 is on the move. Construction work for the foundation of the New Hockey Stadium and the Media Centre are undergoing construction work at the moment.

The Design & Build of these buildings was awarded to our local builders in Samoa, Schwarz Construction Ltd. & Maota Builders & Joinery Co. Ltd. Both Building Contractors’ have been registered within the MWTI Building Contractors’ Registration for more than five years.

In accordance with works done for these projects, 70% of columns done for the New Hockey Stadium and 30% completed for the foundation of the New Media Centre building.

The duration of these projects is set to be completed in 7-months.

Septic Tank Standards



The reviewing of the National Building Code 2002’s first draft is in progress. This scheme is assisted financially by UNDP.

Representatives from Ministries of Health, MNRE, MWCSD, SHC, FESA, EPC, MCIL, MOR, SWA, LTA, Samoa Bureau of Statistics, Samoa Non-Government Organisations, National University of Samoa, APTC, and other private organisations such as Iisikuki Punivalu & Associates (IPA), Tinai & Gordon Associates, Maota Builders & Joinery Ltd, Farani Posala of FP Architects, Plumbers Association of Samoa, Designtech Engineers, Craig Construction, Ltd., Instritute of Professional Engineers of Samoa (IPES), Institute of Architects, Fletcher Construction, Ca Bella Construction, and Samoa Builders Ltd. contributed in providing information and guidance during consultations and workshops coordinated by the Building Division of the Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure from the last week of July to the 13th August 2013 to review the present National Building Code.

UN Habitat Consultant, Dr. PK Das, who took over the work on hand from Mr Leo Fonseka (UN Habitat Consultant) started individual consultations from the last week of July 2013 with non-stop workshops during the three weeks he had stayed in Samoa.

During these consultations both in Upolu and Savaii, Dr. PK was able to gather as much knowledge and information from local builders, structural engineers and companies.

Please contact the Ministry (MWTI) for more information about the review of the National Building Code 1992.
The National Building Code 1992 is due to undergo upgrading works soon. As such, the works will be assisted financially by both UN Habitat and ECHO.

We have started consultations with UN Habitat Technical Advisors, Mr Leo Fonseka and Dr. PK Das who have assisted with the establishment of a Building Code Committee in accordance with the Works Act and coordinated data collection, interviews and guided meetings with stakeholders and local expertise with particular attention to the incorporation of disaster and climate resilience standards.
The official transfer of Samoa Government Housing portfolio to Samoa Housing Corporation was effective on the 1st of July this year as per Cabinet directive FK(12)28.

Mr Siaki Lelevaga, the Principal of Works Officer in-charge of the management of these Government residential flats accepted an offer from the Samoa Housing Corporations to work for their Corporation. The Government Housing Committee and the Ministry is supportive of Siaki's move to SHC to assist with the smooth transfer of works during the transition period as it is in the best interest of sustaining Government Housing works.
VIP-Latrine Programs Samoa Red Cross Society
Our Senior Sanitation Technical Officer, Taiese Paulo is assisting Samoa Red Cross in implementing a program to build VIP (Latrines) for families in Samoa with poor sanitation facilities or those who do not have access to reliable water supply.

On behalf of the Ministry, Taiese is ensuring that all VIP Latrines are built in accordance with the standards given in the Samoa National Building Codes 1992 handbook.

Information available at the MWTI Building Division, Level 4, TATTE Building, Sogi.
New National Medical Centre—Equipment Building (Phase 1)
Work for Phase 1 of the New National Medical entre Buildings at Motootua project is completed however the date of the Official Opening of the Building is yet to be announced by the National Health Services.

The Contractor responsible for construction work of the New Medical Centre is designed & built by Shanghai Construction Group Ltd from Shanghai China.
Damage Assessment of Housing following the Cyclone Evan of December 2012
As summarized in the findings of assessments conducted by the Shelter Sub-Committee, 2088 private homes sustained damages from strong winds and floods during Cyclone Evan.

This was reported to the National Disaster Council (NDC) meeting on the 21st of January 2013 by Vaaelua Nofo Vaaelua, the CEO of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure also the Chairman of the Shelter Sub-Committee.

The Report is currently being utilized by a few Institutional Agencies to assist with the implementation of recovery works for those whose homes were damaged.


World water say is celebrated on the 22nd of March each year to help focus the world’s attention on Qater and Sanitation, in collaboration with this occasion, Samoa also celebrated the World water day last Friday as an initiative led by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. It was an exciting event which brought together schools and different stake holders of the Water Sector to discuss the importance of water and water conservation. It also allowed different Ministries and Organization an opportunity to inform the general public on their roles in the Water Sector

The role Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure plays in this respect is highly important in pursuing the public about issues such as unsustainable use of water resources and miss used of water for such developments for the focus of Government is for the whole country to have access to improve drinking water and safer Sanitation. Our Asset Management and Building Division is implicated in the Water and Sanitation Project in creating awareness programs and monitoring assessment around the country and as of our Land Transport Division currently chairs the Flood Mitigation and Drainage Sub Sector which looks to enhance Samoa’s Drainage system to encourage good sanitation standards as well as ensuring the supplying of good quality water free of any sorts of contamination.