The Corporate Service Division (CSD) provides support services to all Divisions of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure in the following areas:

Human resource development and management Corporate administrative systems and Administration Financial accounting and Financial Management Internal Auditing and Investigation

Human Resource and Administration Section

The Administration and Human Resource Section of the Corporate Services is mainly responsible for coordination of the following functions:

1. Recruitment and Selection Process
2. Staff Training and Development Process
3. Grievance Management Process
4. Human Resource Management System
5. Performance Management System
6. Disciplinary Process
7. Personnel Management
8. Corporate Planning Process
9. Annual Reporting Activities to Parliament
10. Review of Organizational Structure
11. Records Management
12. Customer Services and Receptionist

Finance Section

The responsibilities of the Finance section needs to be more transparent and accountable so that their role, functions and outputs are provided at a high standard effectively and efficiently and in compliance with Accounting and Auditing standards as well as Governments guiding acts and procedures.

The Finance Section of the Corporate Services is mainly responsible for coordination of the following functions:

1. Compilation of Ministry Budget.
2. Provide reliable financial reports within a timely manner to assist output managers with their budget control and revenue collection.
3. Maintain a proper Debtors ledger.
4. Receipting and safeguarding of all monies received by the Ministry.
5. Financial Policies Development.
6. Chart of Accounts.
7. Payments Processing using the Finance One System.
8. Asset Management.
9. Stock taking and Inventory.
10. Work in Collaboration with the Audit Office, and Ministry of Finance in relation to audit for the Ministry.

Our Goal

To provide high quality financial, human resources and administration advices to enable the Chief Executive Officers , Management and Output Managers of the Ministry to manage their respective resources effectively and efficiently, and to assist in achieving their corporate mission and objectives.




Public Policy Development and Analysis Training Opportunity

Mr Muliagatele Alefosio Senio our Internal Auditor was the representative of the Ministry for the Public Policy Development and Analysis Training Opportunity that was conducted for a week (25th to the 28th November) at the Public Service Commission. The workshop was conducted by the Pacific Islands Centre for Public Administration (PICPA) and funded by the Australian Aid. It pushed through as one of the educational programs for broadening the knowledge and skills of employees in regards to public policy and advice.

The core purpose of the training/workshop was to understand public policy and all the procedures taken for the publics’ consideration and participation. More to this, the workshop prepares and educates the researcher/s for all the steps together with the confidence whilst undergoing a research. A brief overview of this workshop bullet points the following:

- Understanding Public Policy
- Conducting Policy Analysis
- Participatory Policy Analysis
- Policy Analysis Styles & Values
- Policy Co-ordination & Monitoring

This workshop was then briefed to the Ministry as part of the Ministry's Continuous Learning/Knowledge Sharing through Muliagatele Alefosio’s presentation on Wednesday 11th December at our conference room. Few of our staff were present and it was worth listening and being part of.

Government of Samoa Records Tools and Records Keeping Guidelines – MWTI NEW FILE INDEX OR FILE PLAN

Good public records management is the key to good governance. It enables a government to conduct its programs efficiently and in an accountable and transparent way. This code of Best Practice is a guideline for the efficient management of public records in all government Ministries of Samoa.

1. CoBP — Code of Best Practice (approved 2007)
( Tulafono mo fa’afoega lelei o faamaumauga)
What are the purposes of CoBP?
• Easy retrieval of information when needed
• Good management of records

2. CARs — Common Administrative Retention Schedules (approved 2007)
(Fuafuaga mo le fa’avasegaga o itua’iga faamaumauga)
• To preserve as a national archives of Samoa.
• To be destroyed at some stage.

Importance of CARS
• A cabinet approved document

Objectives of CARS
• Identify records worth preserving
• Prevent Premature destruction of Records
• Authorize the destruction of records

2008 — Awareness / Introduction Workshops of the two documents
• After awareness workshops have been conducted for all ministries,
• the Fact Finding Research will then begin. By this time all ministries should be well aware on the two guidleines or documents (CoBP & CARs) — making it easier for those who will conduct this research.


A Big fa'amalo!!

A big faamalo goes out to our Account Section of the Corporate Service Division for the work well done. As of June 27th 2013, the MWTI commitment list stands at a nil balance making it the first Ministry to clear its debts in the past fiscal year. Every financial year, significant transitions encircle the Ministry; however, with the department's commitment, hard work and team effort, we can all celebrate success. Thank you! Let's work together to accomplish more in the upcoming financial year.


Refresher Training has become a fundamental part of the Human Resource Planning. It embodied a conscious effort to ensure that new recruits and all staff members are aware of new changes to some policies in the working condition that guide all Samoa Public Servants. With the presence of ACEOs, Principals, seniors and officers from each division, the Corporate Service specialists with the assistance of the Policy and Planning Division conducted this Refresher Training on the 21st and 25th March, 2013.

The Importance of the Refresher Training is that it addresses the entitlements of each Public Servant, the internal control of government assets/resources, the Ministry’s service charter along with each division’s objectives and depicts how and where the Ministry’s budget is at today compare to last year’s financial year. By doing so, each division came up with different issues that need to be addressed in the HR meetings.

National University of Samoa (NUS) Career Day 2008
Ministry's Booth at the Avanoa Tutusa Career Day on Friday 15th August at the National University of Samoa Lepapaigalagala Campus