The primary legislation governing civil aviation in Samoa is the Civil Aviation Act 1998 (pdf-download) with the Civil Aviation Rules and Regulations 2000 as the secondary legislations.

The Ministry of Transport (MOT) is designated under the Act as the Civil Aviation Authority for Samoa, a role now with the Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure (MWTI).

The Civil Aviation Division of the MWTI is tasked with enforcing the 1998 Civil Aviation Act, Civil Aviation Rules (CARs) & Regulations 2000 and advising the CEO on civil aviation policies to ensure Samoa complies with its obligations under ratified International Conventions, Treaties and Agreements.

Under its legal mandates, the Civil Aviation Division has responsibility for the safety oversight of all Civil Aviation Activities in Samoa, including:

  • Air Operations
  • Aircraft Maintenance and Airworthiness
  • Maintenance Organisations
  • Aerodrome Standards and Rescue Fire Services
  • Aviation and Airline Security
  • Air Traffic Services
  • Airport Telecommunication
  • Supply Organisations
  • Personnel Licensing
  • Monitor Samoa's compliance with its obligations under existing Air Services Agreements
  • Facilitate the issue of Air Service Licenses
  • Maintain Samoa's Aircraft Register
  • Facilitate the issue of Civil Aviation Certificates - Air Operator, Airworthiness, Certificated Organisations etc
  • Validate Foreign Pilot's Licenses, Aircraft Engineering Licenses and issue Air Traffic Services Licenses
  • Facilitate the entry regulation of itinerant aircraft into Samoan airports

Our Goal

To ensure, through a structured development framework, Samoa complies with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (Chicago Convention), to enhance safety and security of civil aviation operations, activities and development in Samoa.

NEW Civil Aviation Fees/Charges
Comprehensive Civil Aviation Rules (CAR) Reference
Civil Aviation Agreements / Treaty

Air Services to and from Samoa are in accordance with the current Air Services Agreements which Samoa has entered into with other States. These have progressed from Standard Bilateral to Open Skies Bilateral Air Services Agreements with the advent of global deregulation and liberalization. These liberalized regimes are actively promoted by ICAO with member States relaxing normal government restrictions to allow airlines to compete on a more equitable and commercially driven basis. The third and full liberalized Air Services Agreement Framework of which Samoa is a Party of is the Multi-Lateral Agreement on the Liberalization of Air Transport (MALIAT).

The following civil aviation related Agreements or Treaties have been signed or ratified by Samoa, in chronological order:

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with Fiji
Signed: 7 February 1991

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with Australia (Open Skies)
Signed: 11 August 2000 (Apia)

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with New Zealand (Open Skies)
Signed: 22 November 2000 (suspended due to the MALlAT)

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with Tonga (Open Skies)
Signed: 18 August 2001 (suspended due to the MALlAT)

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with Cook Islands (Open Skies)
Signed: 18 September 2001 (suspended due to the MALlAT)

Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalisation of International Air Transport (MALIAT)
Acceded: 04 July 2002

Bilateral Air Services Agreement with Niue (Open Skies)
Signed: 8 November 2002

Pacific Islands Air Service Agreement (PIASA)
Signed: 07 August 2004
Ratified: 12 October 2004

Pacific Islands Civil Aviation Safety and Security Treaty (PICASST)
Signed: 07 August 2004
Ratified: 12 October 2004



Samoa Air's BN2 aircraft, registration 5W-JUN was duly deregistered from the Samoa's Register of Aircrafts. The aircraft was operating in Tonga under Real Tonga's Air operator Certificate (AOC) on a 28 day foreign air carrier operation.

This facilitated the sale of the BN2 aircraft to Real Tonga, subsequently a Samoa Export Certificate of Airworthiness was signed and issued accompanying the deregistration letter to complete the transfer of the aircraft and oversight activities to the Tongan Civil Aviation Authority.

Upper Airspace Reviewrum

1) Revenue Performance Summary: The revenue collected in 2012/13 FY was an increase of 9% on the previous year of 1.82%. The increase is attributed to the increase in Airways charges and the remainder due to more aircraft using the airspace because of favourable winds.
Revenue expected in the 2013 – 14 FY is expected to be NZ 4,475,000 which is an increase of $780,000 or 21% from the previous FY.

2) Operational Report The operational relationship in the Pacific is working effectively. All operational and contingency Letters of Agreement (LOA) were updated effective 30 May 2013. On the whole Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia seemed satisfied with the level of service provided by the Island States. They noted few minor issues that arise from time to time such as bird strikes and a concern regarding runway guidance markings in Tonga.




Consistent with ICAO’s partnership approach to capacity building, with Australia ICAO delivered the final of a series of National Programme Workshops in August 2013. Hosted by Samoa, a review of Samoa’s National Civil Aviation Security Programmes, namely the National, Training and Quality Control Programmes, was conducted.

The partnership project commenced with a pilot workshop in Suva, Fiji in June 2012 with Nauru and Kiribati. The workshops were founded on a suite of templates developed specifically for use in the Pacific. The templates took into account the common legislative framework, based on New Zealand’s Civil Aviation Rules, adopted by many of the Pacific Island States.

Each workshop was customised for the participants depending on the national legislation and maturity of their existing national programmes. The end result being 18 national programmes developed or reviewed to reflect the latest Annex 17 amendment, current legislation and recommendations from States’ Universal Security Audit Program (USAP) audits.

Extending the capacity building and complementing the ICAO-Australia partnership project, Australia followed up the workshops with assistance to obtain the Programmes’ endorsement — a critical implementation component of the national programmes.

Pacific Directors of Civil Aviation: Aviation Security Forum

This forum started in 2009, and thanks to the sponsorship of the Australian Government, it has become an annual event where Directors of Civil Aviation and representatives from around the Pacific Region meet to share their expertise on aviation security matters.

Balancing aviation security requirements with the unique challenges of the Pacific region is a complex task. As aviation security is a constantly evolving area, it is critical to maintain an ongoing dialogue between Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), development partners and other key organizations

This was the main purpose of having this annual event whereby with previous years, the forum provides an opportunity for participants to discuss current and emerging aviation security issues and trends (both international and regional), share ideas and promote co-operative approaches to the achievement of aviation security outcomes that will also benefit and allow most smaller island nations of PICTs to comply with ICAO, FAA and other International Standards and Recommended Practices by approaching it as a region and not just individual States.

Representing Samoa in this 4th Forum, were Yvonne T. Mariner-Viliamu, Principal Officer Aviation Security and Ausetalia Tanuvasa, Principal Technical Officer, both from the Civil Aviation Division of the Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure


The Regional Safety Office PASO, with assistance from the MWTI-CAD Staff conducted safety audits for all the four (4) airports in Samoa. The audit findings concluded that all airports were operating within the requirements of Civil Aviation Rules Part 139 — Aerodromes: Operations, Certification and Use.

Annual Safety Audit for Air Operator and Approved Maintenance Organisation Certificate
The Regional Safety Office PASO with assistance from MWTI-CAD Staff conducted the annual safety audit for Polynesian Airlines with regards to their Air Operator Certificate (AOC) and Approved Maintenance Organisation Certificate (AMO) and concluded that the Certificate Holder is compliant with the requirements.
During this timeframe, the Air Operator Certificate was amended to meet Annex 6 requirements.

The Samoa Airport Authority conducted the Airport Major Emergency Exercise on 10 May 2013. This is in compliance with Civil Aviation Rules Part 139 which mandates that these exercises be conducted every two (2) years.

The MWTI was represented by the CAD and were selected as referees for the exercise.

The exercise scenario was that of a plane crash due to being unable to maintain altitude.

Off airport entities that participated were, FESA, POLICE and the RED CROSS. The exercise was deemed a mild success.

Accident & Incident Investigations Course

Operations Officer Quaver Epati, attended the Accident & Incident Investigations Course in Singapore from 18 — 22 February 2013. This course was funded through the Civil Aviation Training Awards scheme between the MWTI and CAA Singapore.
The course was conducted at Singapore Aviation Academy (SAA)

Aviation Participants in Samoa
National Airlines

Samoa has two national air carriers which are licensed and certificated by the Ministry to operate scheduled and non scheduled air services. These are;

  • Polynesian Blue (Poly Blue)
  • Polynesian Airlines (Poly)

Poly Blue operates B737-800 flights to/from New Zealand and Australia. Poly operates flights to/fro American Samoa utilizing Twin Otters.

Foreign Air Carriers

Three foreign Airlines by virtue of their Foreign Air Operator Certificates granted by the Ministry operates air services to/from Samoa.

Air New Zealand is the oldest foreign carrier granted with a Samoan Air Service License. It operates B767 services to Los Angeles via Samoa and Airbus A320 services to/fro Auckland alternating with the B767.

Air Pacific operates twice weekly scheduled flights to/from Nadi, Fiji, utilizing B737-800, with a once week flight through Samoa to Honolulu.

Inter Island Airways, an FAA American Samoan based charter operator, also conduct two charter air services per day between Faleolo and Tafuna airports.

Airports and Associated Services

Three airports, Faleolo, Maota and Asau, are managed and operated by the Samoa Airport Authority with Polynesian Holdings Limited operating Fagalii airport. All the airports are certificated by the Ministry in accordance with its intended usage by the airport operators.

Faleolo International Airport caters for all civil aircraft up to B747 size with its 3000m runway and is compliant with CAR Pt 139 and ICAO Annex 14 Standards. The airport is served with a Cat I ILS for Runway 08.

The Samoa Airport Authority also operates the following certificated services:

  • Air Traffic Services under Part 172
  • Aeronautical Telecommunication under Part 171
  • Aviation Security under Part 140

Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (AMO)

Only Polynesian airlines has been issued with a Part 145 Certificates to conduct aircraft maintenance as listed in its application to the Ministry.

Aircraft Fuel Supply Organisation

Petroleum Product Supply company is certificated by the Ministry under Part 19 to supply aviation fuel to aircraft in Samoa.

Non-Schedule Flights Requesting Permission to Land in Samoa

Only schedule flights are governed by Airservice Agreements between Samoa and other States.

Non-schedule flights intending to land at a Samoan airport shall request permission from the Secretary for Transport/CEO, Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure (MWTI), Private Bag, Samoa; seven (7) days prior to departure and should include the following information:

i. Name and address of the aircraft operator
ii. Type and Registration marks of the aircraft
iii. Name, address and business of charterer
iv. Proposed date and place of origin of flight
v. Routes including dates and times of estimated arrival/departure
vi. Number of passengers and/or nature and amount of freight
vii. Purpose of flight

Prior approval must be obtained before aircraft departs last port prior to Samoa.

MWTI office hours Mon-Fri; 0900am - 0500pm. (UTC = Local time + 11 hours)
Fax Number: (685) 21990 - CEO or if unable (685) 28687
Phone: (685) 21611

Private Bag

Ground Handling is carried out by Polynesian Airlines at Faleolo International Airport on Fax Number (685) 42688

Fuel is supplied by Petroleum Products Supplies, Samoa on Fax Number (685) 31373

International Civil Aviation Conventions

The following Conventions have been "Signed, acceded to or ratified by Samoa, in chronological order:

1929 Dec - Warsaw Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air
Acceded: 16 October 1963

1955 -Protocol to Amend the Warsaw Convention of 1929, The Hague 1955
Acceded: 16 October 1972

1944 Dec - Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation
Acceded: 21 November 1996

1971 Sept - Montreal Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation
Acceded: 5 July 1998

1963 Sept - Tokyo Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft
Acceded: 9 July 1998

1980 Oct - Protocol to Chicago Convention (Article 83 bis)
Ratified: 9 July 1998

1984 May - Protocol to Chicago Convention (Article 3 bis)
Ratified: 9 July 1998

1988 Feb - Montreal Supplementary Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary to the 1971 Conventions
Acceded: 9 July 1998

1991 Nov - Montreal Convention on Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
Acceded: 9 July 1998

1970 Dec - Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft
Acceded: 5 August 1998

1990 -Protocol to amend ICAO Convention (article 50 a)
Ratified: 2 July 2002

1990 Oct - Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
Ratified: 3 July 2002

1989 - Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Article 56), Montreal
Ratified: 18 April 2005