The Land Transport Division emerged out of several far reaching changes implemented in the planning period which started on July 01 2007.
This was part of an Institutional Reform for MWTI reorienting the ministry to its new role as a body focused solely on policy and regulation of the transport sector,
including new land transport and road safety policy functions.
Key Strategic Areas as per the Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2012-2016
Enforce construction standards for roads and drainage including pedestrian safety and climate resilience;
Integrate best practice climate resilience measures into the design and planning of all transport networks;
Ensure integrated development efforts with all other utility services.
To ensure that all land transport networks are safe for all road users and to meet demands of economic development taking into consideration
the protection of the natural environment and enhancement of climate resilience.
Our mission is to provide efficient and effective regulatory monitoring and evaluation to ensure efficient, cost-effective and sustainable
integrated land transport networks for Samoa towards enhancing national economic growth development and connectivity.
To establish, maintain and implement a policy framework for land transport that enables the Land Transport Authority to provide for a safe,
efficient and effective national road network for Samoa;
To enhance road safety in Samoa and progressively reduce deaths and injuries from road accidents.
Duties and Responsibilities of the LTD under the Flood Mitigation and Drainage Sub-sector
LTD acts as Chairman on behalf of MWTI's Chief Executive Officer to facilitate and undertake monthly meetings of the sub sector;
To provide a "point of contact" of the Ministry to serve as the primary liaison with the parties; and
To establish the national network of public drains and provide details of that network to parties and;
To oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Komiti o Alavai;
To regulate the use and crossings of public drains; and
To establish regulations to allow effective management and maintenance of public drains located outside of the road reserve
Key Outputs and Strategies
Output 3.1
High quality National Road Programs (NRPs) are produced annually by LTA and reviewed and approved by MWTI effectively and efficiently
Formulate, document and disseminate clear policies, procedures, schedule of activities and guidelines governing preparation and submission of annual NRPs by the LTA for each financial year. Amendments may be initiated by the MWTI on behalf of Cabinet, or by LTA;
Advise and assist LTA to produce NRPs that comply with the MoW Act 2002 as well as MWTI's published guidelines and procedures;
Review Annual NRPs submitted by LTA and recommend to the Minister of Works Transport and Infrastructure areas where review guarantee;
Review official requests from LTA to amend the NRP where such a need arises to satisfy operational requirements for every financial year;
Initiate and undertake NRP amendments if required by the Ministry or Cabinet within the financial year
Output 3.2
LTA complying with operational standards and achievement of NRP targets and outcomes through performance monitoring by MWTI
Develop and implement ongoing performance and monitoring of the LTA;
Produce, document and disseminate clear policies, procedures, timetables and guidelines governing periodic reporting by LTA to MWTI;
Review all periodic reports issued by LTA and either approve the reports, or issue corrective action requests as required;
Implement a program of technical and business process audits of LTA to monitor quality of LTA's business processes and achievement of LTA's NRP outputs against agreed targets and outcomes.
Output 4
Enhancement of Road Safety Awareness Programs and Control Measures in Samoa to reduce vehicle related accidents and injuries
Output 4.1
Establish a Road Safety Committee and implement a five year National Road Safety Action Plan
STRATEGY Provide leadership and secretariat support to establish a NRSC that will produce, promulgate and implement the five year NRSAP for Samoa
Output 4.2
Regulate and monitor land transport network in Samoa
Output 4.2.1
Regulate and monitor the administration of regulations formulated under the LTA Act 2007 in accordance with the principal legislation
Output 4.2.2
Review policy documents of the Land Transport Sector and initiate amendments to principal and relevant legislations where required.
The MWTI was invited to participate in a one week In Country Training facilitated by the Samoa Bureau of Statistics held on November 18th – 22nd 2013. Ms Lisabella Ropati of the Land Transport Division represented the Ministry at this training which aimed at improving data analysis and survey report writing skills of relevant government ministries.
In return, Ms Ropati was selected as Trainer for the on-going Internal Capacity Building Seminar facilitated by the LTD conducted on 2nd December 2013.
The LTD Internal Capacity Building Seminar aims at improving and addressing capacity gaps identified within the division and it’s an on-going activity undertaken on a monthly basis. This IES was therefore based solely on presenting the key lessons learnt by Ms Lisabella at the SBS One Week Workshop.
Given the technicality and lengthy process of Survey Report Writing, the training only looked at providing an “Introduction to Survey Report Writing” whereby the LTD team and other invitees from other MWTI divisions were engaged in a one hour session which discussed planning, organizing and structuring of a Survey Report.
Participants were also informed on the Structure and Content of a Survey Report as well as demonstrating on how to analyse the actual findings from a survey in order to create a solid recommendation towards ensuring possible resolutions and practical outcome.
In detail, the presenter managed to discuss all steps vital in the compilation of a Final Survey Report informing the participants to always bear in mind these crucial steps and stages during preparation that will guarantee arriving at a solid and sound recommendation. The seminar concluded with a group exercise whereby all participants were divided into two teams and told to organize structure of Report within sixty seconds. Both teams came up with the right structure at the end of this exercise. Participants were also given the chance to discuss any issues and recommendation related to Survey Report Writing as one of the crucial documentations to ground proof all monitoring and regulatory activities of the Ministry. The training team also had the chance to listen to and receive sound feedback from the participants regarding the facilitation of this seminar as well as putting forward key recommendations for the division to consider while facilitating future seminars.
The seminar was well received by the participants and a good turnaround from other divisions of the Ministry was observed at this event. Positive feedback from all participants regarding LTD initiating this internal seminar was considered an important and sound initiative to inform MWTI staff on the importance of sound and effective Report Writing to be considered a key activity as part of their daily operations. This will ensure that productivity and professionalism is maintained within the Ministry both at the operational and management level. The seminar was also noted as not only a Refresher training for some of the participants but was also considered as an Introductory Orientation session for the newly recruited staff of the Ministry.
It is proposed that part two of this seminar focusing on the details of Survey Report Writing will be covered in the next Internal Capacity Building Seminar by LTD for the month of January 2014.
Team Building Exercise
A Team Building Exercise was carried out by the Land Transport
Division on the 3rd of September 2013 as part of its key
initiatives to undertake internal educational seminars on a
monthly basis to help address capacity needs of the division.
The main focus of the seminar was to highlight the key aspects
of team building and the different processes contributing to
the achievement of team Goals and Objectives. The seminar
also touch based on the barriers and difficulties that hinder
communication and productivity of a team and how to come
up with possible measures to overcome these problems.
Invitation was extended to the other four divisions of the
Ministry inviting other staff to be part of this important
exercise. The seminar was attended by staff from the Policy
and Planning, Civil Aviation, Assets Management and
Building and the Corporate Services Divisions.
The seminar was conducted informally in order to encourage
free discussion among the participants. A power point
presentation delivered by LTD highlighted the four types of
Team Building and the Stages involved.These stages were
considered as the stepping stones for the Ministry to work
together as one body to achieve its set goals and objectives.
A short exercise was carried out as part of the presentation
whereby the participants were divided into two teams to put
together two famous quotes that were shuffled in boxes within
one minute. The exercise was full of fun and highly enjoyed by
the participants and was also helpful for them to get the key
message across i.e, ‘Team Work + Effective Communication’.
Key issues identified within the workplace on a daily basis
were highlighted as basic examples of the key barriers
hindering the achievement of the set goals and objectives.
The seminar was well received by the participants
recommending continuous undertaking of these monthly
seminars not only by LTD but for other divisions as part of
promoting Internal Capacity Building to encourage
professionalism and productivity in the workplace.
Drainage Site Inspections
As per the key functions and roles of the division outlined under
Part II Section 4 of the Ministry of Works Act 2002, the division
continued to undertake site inspections to ensure that all public
assets are well maintained as well as to ground proof the quality
of service provided by our service provider.
As of August 30th 2013, LTD managed to carry out a total
number of 8 site inspections. These Inspection Reports were
accompanied by Official Referral Letters to LTA for consideration
and appropriate actions. Listed below are the individual
inspections carried out by the division highlighting the nature
and outcomes of these site inspections.
Water for Neiafu
Leota Kapeneta Perelini, ACEO for the Land Transport Division and Officer Robert Bartley represented the Ministry in the opening of the Neiafu water treatment
plant on the 23rd May 2013. The completion of this project is one of the milestones made by the Samoa Water Authority in hopes to distribute and deliver good
quality water throughout the entire country. The keynote address of the day was made by Honourable Prime Minister Susuga Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi followed by the cutting
of the ribbon by the Minister of Work, Transport and Infrastructure, Honourable Manu'alesagalala Enokati Posala. The Water treatment plant will distribute water to the whole of Neiafu including
Falealupo and Tufutafoe. Service will be extended to Falelima and to Aopo after instalment of pipe lines in these villages. The residents showed gratitude for the
government's huge effort in addressing water shortage after years and years of coping with the issue. The Government extend its gratitude to the village for
their support and patience while the work was carried out
Road Maintenance
Continuity of monthly visitations to areas that were severely affected by cyclone Evan is still a priority for the Land Transport Division.
Maintenance of roads that were not affected is also taken into account during these visitations. Road maintenance works are in progress,
meanwhile the LTD is also focusing on ways to curtail flooding in the urban area. Road maintenance visitations were commenced on the 20th March;
the eastern parts of Upolu were visited on the 21st May and continued through the 23rd May in the Western side. Currently, Togafu'afu'a andVaimoso
are undergoing bridge construction as well as an intersection in Togafu'afu'a. LTD are keeping an eye on these road construction works in order to ensure
the safety of the public on a daily basis.